Simon’s Summer report and start of new Season

Oxford Philatelic Society

July saw a fascinating display by Nick Levinge on the GV Silver Jubilee issues, and an in-depth display of the Indian stamps. In August, a lovely evening of swapping, buying and chatting closed off another successful and enjoyable season.  And in the background, some very strong packets continue to circulate to members.  We are grateful to the team of Colin Davies and Laurie Simmons who keep the packet running smoothly.

The start of the 2023/24 season saw the collection of annual subscriptions and the addition of a couple of new members, as well a silent auction where items are examined and bid put down on paper until the designated time for settling up. Virtually every one of our meetings starts with a Bring and Buy, with intensive scrutiny of 5p stamps and miniature sheets and covers priced at 20p.

The meeting on the life and times of King Charles III on stamps produced some material from 2023: British bar-coded stamps from 1p to £5, a variety of stamps at various points in his life including many as Prince of Wales, but also stamps of Charles III of Spain.  A display of colourful miniature sheets showing the Coronation of the King and Queen from a variety of countries around Africa and the Pacific saw a division between the use of photographs and artistic drawings, some of the latter which seemed quite wide of the mark for likeness!

Dr Simon Heap